We counted 85,000 calories in our food totes: enough and spare for the three of us, at 2,000 calories a day, for ten days, but short if we assume the more realistic 3,000 for lots of activity. But we've always planned on catching shrimp, rockfish, maybe trout, crab, whatever greens I can find to forage. We should be fine, even if we go over the ten-day estimate (which is, realistically, a raw guess).
We're pretty sure we're leaving today. We couldn't reach Charley yesterday when we went into town to get phone service, but he can call Bonnie, and we've promised to be ready at any time if she shows up to ferry us back out to the mouth of the inlet.
From there, we'll ride some fifty miles north — anticipating seasickness as the Ocean Aire trundles at 8 knots through open ocean stretches toward the Fairweather grounds.
We're ready: well rested, well fed, aware of which wild plants are up and which aren't yet, better attuned to one another's patterns.
Ryan and I made chocolate chip cookies, apple cider muffins, and chive pancakes last night to share with the crew: culture up here is to take care of each other, especially with food.
Previous: Sunnyside Downtime | Next: Waiting